June 19, 2006 – Faithfulness

June 18, 2006: Sunday

FATHERS’ DAY…We prayed and sang and had communion.

June 19, 2006: Monday

While Albert was unloading our carry all bag that contains blankets, hymnal, Bible, a communion service, etc. I saw PRUDENCE and DISCRETION walking up the path talking to one another. They seemed deep in conversation.

FAITHFULNESS singing praises to God

Those on the ridge worshipping the Lord are, from left to right, PRUDENCE and DISCRETION. The remaining three are FAITH, HOPE and CHARITY.

After I sat down and put this observance into the journal, I looked up to see the angels on the ridge were talking among themselves.

“Good morning, everyone,” I nodded to them. They turned to look at me and bowed at the waist in a way that not only acknowledged me, but indicated they were reporting for duty. It was touching. “Golly,” I continued, “all of you are assigned here?”

“And more are coming, Anna,” WISDOM smiled.

I asked, ‘Doesn’t it get tiring just being stationed where little is happening – well, in the natural?”

“Much is happening in the spiritual.” FAITH, HOPE and CHARITY said.

[There was general agreement among those angels assigned there.]

An angel began to sing, and a clear high voice. A timbral began to be played. The angel sang in a heavenly language that we on Earth rarely hear. The song had a chorus, evidently, for at certain times the angels all joined in. Then they began to dance. It was a lively dance (something like a folk dance – is the closest I can get to a comparison.)

A very bright female looking angel walked over to me.

“You see, Anna, we have waited many years – in your reckoning of time. We have witnessed this mount being much higher. We have witnessed it being warmed by the sun and worn down by the rain. But now its hour has come – and we, who have waited many ages to be a part of the King’s purposes here – rejoice to see this day. Every day more of us are allowed to assume the assignments for which we have trained. At last our time has come, also.”

She began to burn brighter as she spoke. She raised her hands in praise of the God of heaven. The other angels stopped their dancing and singing to join her. Tears came into my eyes to see how overjoyed they were, at last, to arrive at this day and this hour. I, too, rejoiced, for we, too, had come to this day and to this hour. We, too, were being given the opportunity to be a witness to His purposes being fulfilled on Earth.

“What is your name?” I asked the bright angel.

“FAITHFULNESS,” she answered exhaling – as if it had been a long wait. But at the end of the sigh was a smile. It was as though she had held out and was, now, going to be rewarded beyond man’s possibility to comprehend.

I looked out at all the angels gathered there. “May you receive your full reward,” I spoke to them all.
