June 10, 2006: Saturday
In my dream, I was in the upper story of a large house. I looked out the window and saw an explosive red glow in the distance. The landscape was flat – like the plains of Kansas. In the dream I walked out onto a large open porch – something like a patio. It was on the second floor and therefore gave me a better view of the area.
I could see ground hugging clouds rolling away from the red flashes in the distance. It seemed as though the clouds were moving slowly. But as they came closer, I could see that these gray, ground hugging clouds were moving swiftly and probably (I thought) might hit us with tremendous force.
I ran downstairs, calling to all in the house to take cover. Barely was I able to take cover myself when the rolling clouds hit us with hurricane force. Everything became dark, grayish black – a dirty, full of soot, black.
The Lord spoke: “The storm is coming sooner than you think.”
An angel appeared clothed in a gossamer blue robe. From it he took out pictures that he held a moment – observing each – and then releasing each to slide away. These pictures eventuated into thin streams of vapor before travelling out of sight. Then he made an arc with his hand over his head and continuous pictures appeared. It was like a motion picture in mid-air.
He spoke: “Part of the Lord’s Glory, part of His goodness, is revelation. As the world goes mad, revelation will increase for those who bathe in His glory. You will need His greater revelation. I am THE ANGEL OF REVELATION.”
“I bring dreams, visions, insights, joinings (I felt this was something like prophetically putting together two seemingly unrelated occurrences), confirmations of the heart and of the bowels (kind of like a “gut” feeling). I bring insight through numbers, timings (like the timing of the Lord, I believe), and sparks. (I think this means intuition.)”
“I am given to you now to bring an increase in God’s system of messaging.” The angel chuckled. “No electronics needed.” He smiled. “He also has His own ‘text messaging’ through the Scriptures.” The angel chuckled again at his own play on words. “Prepare to receive revelation like a stream.”
The angel showed me myself with a stream of pictures – with flashes of light here and there – pouring into my forehead. It was as though I was in constant communication through revelation.
“Thank you,” I said. “We (meaning those who come to the ridge to pray and seek the Lord) receive this gift from the Lord.”
I stared at THE ANGEL OF REVELATION, for he was surrounded by pictures coming from his robe, his hands from his mouth, and radiating from his head. He smiled at me and was gone. However, the stream of revelation continued into me. He had come to initiate this constant flow. It was a gift to those who came to this little mount.
“Thank you, Lord,” I said.