July 9, 2006 – Angels of Praise

We are resuming the spiritual history of The Moravian Falls House of Prayer (which we left off before Christmas.) I am sure this account is not unique in the history of the church, but in my lifetime I have never seen such a retelling – either through records available on Earth or chronicled in the Bible

But, as the world marches toward Armageddon, our Father is revealing more of His ways as well as revealing His spiritual realm to His children.

This carefully recorded account spans sixteen of the Twenty-four years I have lived in Moravian Falls. In 2006, the angel Victory walked up the path and proclaimed the prophetic future of Prayer Mountain. He announced The Moravian Falls House of Prayer.

Continued. . . .

Angels of Praise

[ This is the second part of the revelation given on Prayer Mountain, July 9, 2006.]

Part 2:

ANGELS OF PRAISE appeared sort of sliding down the outer side of the band of color that made up the rainbow. These alighted gently onto the ground.

Once on the earth, they raised their hands towards heaven. The music passed upward. Ribbons of various colored light joined the upward stream. Ever so often, the ANGELS OF PRAISE would move their hands in sweeping motions. The bands of color would create a circle or a wave (like a gymnast executing a floor exercise with a long ribbon). The bands of color would then join the other bands of color moving upward.

One of the ANGELS OF PRAISE spoke: “A life lived in godly harmony is music to our King. All music brought forth through the love of the brethren is a symphony of great beauty.” The ANGEL OF PRAISE gestured towards the angels making the music. “These (angels) are HARMONY. We (ANGELS OF PRAISE) are coupled with them – for there can be no praise to God where there is disharmony.”

(This music is sung by our friend Betsy. The lyrics are from the book and the music is what she heard from heaven)


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These angels show God’s perfect will which He wants “on Earth as it is in heaven:” godly harmony which is the foundation of godly praise.