This second mantle was a direct gift from the Holy Spirit and literally changed my life – radically. Perhaps the greatest change has been that I am almost as invisible as He is.
1. After working with the entire body of Christ in Kansas City, MO and KS – (which, at that time, was around a million and a half population) to hearing, as we left the city, that from now on we would “be hidden” – it did seem as though we had fallen off the earth. This prophetic word was fulfilled after I received this mantle – with the shoes: both rendering me invisible. But one of the most unusual and bravest steps taken as it related to this “hiddenness” is that my publishing house, Charisma, was willing to publish the books knowing that I would not help to sell them. They rely upon T.V. and conferences and public book appearances to promote their books and I would be “missing in action”. I was unknown as far as name recognition in the larger body of Christ (after all, I was simply a minister’s wife). The fact that they published the books was amazingly brave. Only the Lord could have moved upon them to take such a step. I will be forever grateful to Steve and Joy Strang for their bravery.
2. The next difference was that I was keeping a journal and from those daily records, the Lord asked me to share some of my experiences with the larger body of Christ.
The most intimate parts of my life with the Lord were now to be made public – very public. I felt as though people would see right through me. All of my faults and trials and mistakes were, now, to be plastered onto a worldwide billboard . . . in multiple languages. My life was inside out.
3. Now, another change happened. My tastes and desires changed. For me, the thought of writing anything now that would not have eternal consequences became unthinkable. Earlier in my life I had written a Texas history for young people. Now, I only wanted to reveal more about Christ and about our Heavenly Father. All else seemed like – well – not worth the effort . . . (for me anyway). This was very different.
4. Also, I entered into a fierce hand to hand combat with the forces of darkness . . . even suffering the loss of our home (by it being burned down by a coven of witches) and the loss of my dear husband (who died a few years later).
5. I began a website in order to share with you, my brothers and sisters – children of the living God – all that has been given to me.
Bob Jones, Gwen Shaw and I often talked by phone about how the enemy was trying to take “out” our generation before we could impart to others that which had been imparted to us. Bob and Gwen are with the Lord, now. But there is much still to share and I am so grateful to the Lord for the opportunity to pass it on to you.
In one of the creeds that we learn as children, it says of the Holy Spirit – “Who spake by the prophets.” Well, I am no prophet – just a “secretary” – but I am trying to be true to what He has shown me and to Him in order that I might deliver all of it to you, His children.