The following are pages from my diary of twenty years ago. I had just begun to see into the spiritual realm. Our heavenly Father here is guiding me into a completely different call on my life. He is teaching me as we humans might teach a very small child.
Hmmm – pictographs. Now remind me again – exactly what is a pictograph?
Well, remember the cave paintings? Pictographs “are pictures representing an idea, as in primitive writing” according to Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary. Many experts feel that these paintings were commemorating animal hunts – but there is also the possibility that pictographs were teaching tools – a classroom that took place around a fire on a cold winter’s night.
It is this later teaching tool that is employed by our heavenly Father… visions that are “still” pictures. They are a bit like making a presentation by pointing to a large illustrated pad that is sitting on an easel. The pictures do not move – as is the case with many visions. They are a far more primitive tool – often used to teach those who have begun to see into the spiritual realm recently. Those whose spiritual eyes were opened recently are babies in the gift and therefore our heavenly Father uses the same means of instruction that we humans use with our young. He makes it simple and repeats the picture over and over to reinforce the message.
This message – (given exactly twenty years ago) explains in simple terms that He would be giving me a new assignment. He would allow me to show some of the beauty of Christ and of His angelic hosts… and of heaven itself.
Of course, I did not understand until years later what He meant. That makes these pictographs all the more precious. They are like letters written to you by your parents when you were very young (which you discovered later in life). They are to be cherished, for they show your parents’ love for you long before you were aware of their care and guidance.
Even if you do not understand the pictographs that are given to you at the time, record them anyway. Years later you will look back and smile to see how much Parental love was being poured out on you.
Our Heavenly Parent keeps baby pictures, too.