I think the whole world suffered with America through our last painful election. It was painful, but also revelatory. It exposed the oily slide we are on into an accepted corruption – (manipulated by an even oilier “slight-of-hand”).
But if you are a student of political history, you know that every election we have had has been full of name-calling, distractions to blind the populace, half truths to hide the all-out lies. “Where is the honor?” I heard people ask. “Where is the honesty?” Still, this election, punctuated by two East Coast storms, seemed very different. It was as though some corner had been turned, some outcome decided upon –something– something was and is different.
But then, we were told, that these days would come. Like the children’s song “the Bible tells me so”. The Bible sets before the children of God the later days of this era of earth’s history. Still it has been difficult for us to believe that –actually– we may be in the beginning of those days— that we may be the ones to be alive in such times. But if we are in the beginning of the last days— if we are the ones chosen to represent our Heavenly Father in such times, we should feel honored.
How should we then live?
How should we then live?
I can only share with you some decisions I have made. They may seem incredibly child-like — but a little straight forward; simplicity may be welcomed.
1. God is on His throne. For His children, our future is secure with and in Him and with the great Church Triumphant.
2. We are here for a purpose. I don’t know about you, but I thought my life would be full of gentle days and — if the Lord so granted — a few good deeds. I never expected to see a battlefield. I thought I would be at home tending sheep.
[Many do not remember the church before the great Charismatic movement (which began 53 years ago). Many are not old enough to have firsthand knowledge prior to this great move of the Spirit. Before that move of God the clergy were trained and then there were “all the rest”. Even the healing movement that came before, only raised up a few (almost super stars) to exercise the gifts. But as messy and wobbly as the Charismatic movement has been, “all the rest” began to be trained. We learned to pray for the sick, cast out demons, teach the Word, prophesy, be led by the Spirit and on and on. Without our knowing it, slowly, very slowly the Lord was raising up “all the rest”.
Now “all the rest” that are still alive from those early days of the Charismatic movement along with the multitudes that are now equipped, are beginning to hear the trumpet call from within their tents, are waking up and will stand to their feet a very great army.
3. It seems to me we are heading for the trenches. Our wants and needs should reflect this. Our choices should no longer be multiple and scattered; but like soldiers in the trenches, our choices should be simple, few and life sustaining. We must be focused.
4. If we are the chosen battalions of the Lord and are called to be “boots on the ground”, we need to follow orders. Stripped down and trained up we should be ready for anything.
Whether it has been understood by us or not, we are an elite force. The realization may not have dawned on you as yet because our training has spanned so many years, and perhaps, seemed random. But it has been anything but random. When the time comes, all that training will snap into place.
No one know the General’s orders as yet, but we all know the broad outline of the battle plan:
A. Live righteous lives. Each righteous person is a burning light that drives back the darkness.
B. Pray. We are no longer on the “practice range” of prayer. We are heading for the battlefield where every shot is life or death. Use your ammunition wisely.
We must constantly beseech our Lord to bring the worldwide move of His Spirit that He has promised— to bring in the last great in-gathering all over the globe—and yes, we must ask for sustaining provisions and sufficient equipment.
You see, the times are growing darker but, ah, the dazzling worldwide light the Lord is about to reveal. We are past due—way past due—and well trained. For those who have never lived through a mighty move of God, (and this promises to be the mightiest) not only is the Spirit of the Lord everywhere in great power but the battalions of darkness rush in to try to stop Him. Those times are both gloriously easier and unbelievably harder. We will need to fight- but we will have enhanced power.
C. We must prepare to help others. The world system is sinking to its knees all over the globe. We must be prepared to help whenever and where ever we can.
I’m sure many would have beneficial ideas to add to such a simple list, but for those who have not begun to gather their thoughts together in this regard, I hope this helps you begin your own list.