After assigning the major angels of MERCY and COMPASSION and YOU WHO HEAR PRAYER to assist those who come to Prayer Mountain, the Lord provided for the earth. In other words, He did not forget the soil and its vegetation […]
JUNE 26, 2006 – Promised Glory
When the land of Prayer Mountain was purchased in the 1980’s, a path was cut through the woods to the top of the ridge. It wasn’t wide; only the width that would allow one person to take the narrow path […]
June 27, 2006 – The Angel Goodness
Vision: June 27, 2006 – Tuesday An angel appeared in mid-air. Her robes and hair movement were as though she was in water. The movements were not like someone turning on land, nor in the wind. Her garments were gossamer. They […]
June 28th 2006 – The Angel STRENGTH
As soon as our Heavenly Father announced (through the mouth of many prophets) His intention to bless His children by erecting a house of prayer on Prayer Mountain, He began to assign various angels to assist those who would come […]
“You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free.” (John 8:32) Everywhere I turn these days I hear: “I don’t know who to believe anymore.” There are lies in the government, lies in the schools and yes, […]
July 2, 2006 – The “Welcome Wagon” Angel
As we have seen, the Lord brought to Prayer Mountain major angels to establish His spiritual grid on which to add complementary angels. He brought these angels to aid, instruct, and enrich the lives of His children – Christ being […]
July 1, 2006: Saturday
July 1, 2006: Saturday I saw angels dancing as some played instruments. One played a small drum, one a flute, and one played an ancient form of a violin. It was lovely.
July 3, 2006 – Angel Promenade
July 3, 2006: Monday At the gazebo: The angels that have been assigned to the top were walking around like a promenade. (In Russia, the theatres have extremely large rooms that are dedicated to between-the-acts promenades. The theatregoers walk around […]
July 4, 2006 – God’s Hologram
We do not hear a great deal about humans interacting with the heavenly beings known as wheels. They appear to me to be the most unusual of the heavenly host. Also, they are very high ranking – being part of […]