August 2018 – The Father’s Double Mantle

The Father’s Double Mantle

Our Father took the least of His children and shared with the least, Himself. There is no greater gift other than being made a member of His family through Jesus Christ.

Perhaps the reason He dared to allow me to wear His mantle is so that I might write about Him as He is, loving, fatherly – and not as we might have imagined Him – distant and foreboding.

Of course, I did not know I would be writing about Him at the time. In fact, I would not know this for two more years. At the time we were helping a wonderful Presbyterian church (even though we were not Presbyterians) in the farming country of the Florida Panhandle. I was in charge of the children’s sermon and therefore busy making puppets during each week in order to illustrate my five minutes of children’s church.

Daily, I was going to Heaven each morning, but I had no idea the Lord would ask me to gather a few of those experiences into a book.

Also, in the book, the Lord decided which experiences He wished to share. I did not know until a year later, when the book was finished, that it shared so much about our Heavenly Father. It was as much a surprise to me as it would be to anyone picking up the book for the first time to read it.

But, nothing in my life has changed me as much as getting to know my Father. Intimately knowing Him, truly and tangibly has set my life into perspective (“O taste and see that the Lord is good…” Psalm 34:8 KJV) as no other relationship has been able to do. I feel my life is whole, settled and at peace. I know, finally, just how much I am loved by God. Truly, there are no words to express the all-encompassing love radiating from His near presence.

I have lived through many heart wrenching situations since receiving the double mantle; but so swaddled have I been in His love, that the outside occurrences have not pierced through that covering of love to damage me. I am blessed to know my Heavenly Father – to truly know Him. Nothing in life or in this world compares.


Perhaps, also, that is the reason He has placed me on Prayer Mountain. For it is here that many prophets have prophesied that He will actually appear when His chapel is built.

Because I know how great it is to see Him, touch Him, hear His voice – have Him transform your life – I feel He has placed me here on Prayer Mountain to pray that our Father’s coming down will be accomplished soon. It is a prayer I can pray in faith because I have seen Him and know Him.

All of us wish to be like the disciples of Jesus who could say, according to 1 John 1:1 & 3:

v 1 “What was from the beginning, what we have heard, what we have seen with our eyes, what we have looked at and touched with our hands, concerning the Word of Life…

v 3 …What we have seen and heard we proclaim to you also, so that you too may have fellowship with us; and indeed our fellowship is with the Father, and with His Son Jesus Christ.”

We have been given the revelation of Jesus (when He walked the earth,) we have been given and are being given the revelation of the Spirit though His worldwide outpourings. But oh, how we need that personal, face to face experience of our Father. (He came down to dine with the seventy elders on the mountain top when the children of Israel were crossing the Desert to the Promised Land. We are not praying for and on tip-toe in expectation of, something He has not done before.)

He has promised through His prophets that He will come Tabernacle with us.

In these days that Satan and his ungodly hoards are more violent – we need our Father.

We need to know Daddy.