Another part of the ministry is disaster relief. Times are getting more difficult and all manner of weather changes are occurring on a regular basis. The price of fuel is climbing and food products are increasingly high. This ministry is in the country. I feel it is here for a reason. One of the reasons is to prepare before we need to rely upon that which we grow or the need to care for those displaced by crisis or disaster. Even this year we have had flash floods and commercial crop failures.

For four years I have been establishing the necessary structures to facilitate the growing of vegetables on a very steep plot of ground. (We work with what we have, don’t we, and thank God for it.) Because of the steepness of the bank on which the vegetables need to grow, the ministry has built raised beds to house them.

Last year, before he died, my husband helped to plant the first crop in these raised beds. The pictures shown here are part of the second year’s crop. We are learning how to grow from seed, how to eliminate bugs without dangerous chemicals, when to harvest, etc. It is our belief that the body of Christ should be prepared to be of help ‘’in season” and ‘’out of season.’’

Pictured below are a few of the beds. Beyond the vegetation (leeks) you see one of the mountains. Also, beyond this same bed is the greenhouse with a black shade clothe over its top. In another picture you will see four small planters housing herbs. They sit in front of the support beams for the greenhouse—which rises 20 feet above the ground. Notice the far fence beyond the planters. That fence gives an indication of the steepness of the property.

With the Lord’s help, we will prepare.