April 2021 – The Gathering of Light

The Gathering of Light

Have you noticed that before something wonderful happens in your life, it seems that there is a compounding of the “the bad”? Just when you feel you have hit your limit standing against the darkness, it gets darker. Now if you have not been through this cycle of seemingly unfortunate events before a breakthrough, you might get discouraged.

What is this? Why this multiplication of “the bad”?

I asked Bob Jones about this during one such “downturn” in my life and he said that demons attack us in greater measure because they see what we can not. They see the gathering of light.

Before the blessing is seen by us, it is seen by the angels and demons. The demons multiply in an attempt to hinder the blessing of God from reaching the person because – well – let’s face it – that’s their job.

So – bad times are strange heralds of the greater good being on its way. Also, the greater the hindering darkness, the greater the gathering of light. I began to see why the Bible could say: “Rejoice in the Lord always and again I say rejoice” (Philippians 4:4).

This, I know, is a strange way to look at adversity, and truthfully, it takes me a little while each time adversity comes, to remember this truth. First, I get hit and knocked back on my heels. Then I suffer and question everything and want to blame someone.

Then, I begin to remember, wait a minute, I have been here before! This shock usually calls me to listen to my better self (Jesus) who lives within me. Therefore, when this “pile on” of bad things is happening and you seem to be “going down for the third time,” grab whatever lifeline Jesus is throwing to you – because if your eye can catch a glimmer of the light in the midst of an attack, Satan has already lost. Then, hanging onto that sliver of hope, Jesus can pull you out of the mire and thrust you into a blessed new day.

Usually, a greater anointing comes with this new day. You have broken through, passed a test, escaped from circling “that mountain” one more time, matured into a greater spiritual understanding, and indeed, find that you have walked into that glorious new day.


We are not having our open prayer meetings at the moment.