When getting to know the angels assigned to us, some are revealed a “little-at-a-time.” How is that possible? This is Cerise, an angel of ZEAL.

As soon as the Lord saved me, I began to hear His voice. I did not “see” but I could “hear”. It was wonderful. I could hear and talk to God—and I knew it was God.
Almost immediately He told me that He had set me aside to be the wife of a minister in the small town I was visiting. What? I was a new Christian and to tell you the truth, neither the minister nor I were even vaguely interested in one another—I mean—not the least flicker of interest: zero. But because the Lord had said it to me, I thought: “Well, I may have been too blind to see it—but this must be the one for me.”
How exciting. How amazing. But I needed to say that I would, indeed, marry him. God requires no one to accept something against his or her free will. Now, there were huge considerations to take into account: my screenwriting career was taking off in big way, I had been given the lead in a show (for which I was already doing backers auditions) that was to open in New York in the Spring, I had the best literary agent in New York, I had an unbelievable parlor floor apartment on West 11th street in the Village, I had tons of friends—all in the film industry or on Broadway. I traveled the world and lived a life most people only dreamed of living. I would need to give up all of that to be married to a minister who lived in a town of 2,400 people and a church with a congregation of 15. Hmmmm—what to do?
Well, really there was never a contest. I chose God, the minister, the small town and the church…and never regretted it. I walked away from the other life.
When I made the decision to follow the Lord however and wherever He led me, He assigned to me two angels. I did not see them—nor hear them; but the Lord told me their names and their particular strengths. One was called Cerise and he was an angel of ZEAL. “Was not cerise a color?” I asked myself. But there were so many new events in my life at that time that I did not pursue finding out. That was in 1975…the year I married my husband.
I did not really think about the angel of Zeal in the years after that. I never saw him, nor heard him, so….Now let us zoom forward the 1995—20 years later. Right before we moved to Florida, the heavens opened and I began to see into the spiritual realm. Now I was seeing angels and Jesus and our heavenly Father and our home above. At that time, the Lord graciously revealed to me the angel that had been assigned to me so many years ago: CERISE.
I am including a paint chip from a store in Panama City. I asked them to show me the color cerise. Here is what they sent me. [I am including the paint chip—but the color did not translate through the copy machine. The angel is wearing the true color.]
The angel looked young. He had fire coming from his hands and feet—and actually left fire where ever he walked. Looking at the fire radiating from him, one would surmise that he was zealous. Cerise was of great help in the twenty years after I married my husband and his assistance is doubly needed as we head into the future. It has now been 40 years since he was assigned to me. His influence, instead of waning is increasing. Why? Because of that which is facing the body of Christ in the years ahead, we will need zeal for the Lord.
We are fortunate, for we know that since there is a whole choir of angels that assist us in acquiring zeal, we may ask the Lord for an increase. Our Father will send the Holy Spirit, as well as our dear Lord Jesus and choirs of angels to give us more godly zeal. He will set us aflame with His love and passion—even as the angel of zeal appears to burn with fiery love and singleness of purpose for our Lord and for accomplishing His will.