These angels look and dress alike. (I am not sure the gold color will translate through the copy machine and the computer.)
VISION: JUNE 26, 2006
Even before we left the house I began seeing the word: DOXA before my eyes. I did not see the word again until we started up the path to the gazebo. Then, all around me the word appeared in the trees. It would appear and then, in an instant, be gone. Suddenly the word began to crumble (like crumbling saltine crackers) into tiny pieces – which fell to the ground and rose again as angels of His glory.
Each time the word divided now, these angels came forth to stand within the trees all over the mount.
By the time I reached the gazebo, these angels were all over the top – simply standing among the trees.
As we sat down in the gazebo, Albert (my husband) remarked that there was a beautiful haze on the mount. We had seen this haze on May 30th when the lightning struck.
While we were praying, I saw fruit trees all over the top; a sign, Albert said of fruitfulness – great fruit to come.
Six years ago (when I first saw these angels) I assumed that – because their name was “Doxa”- they themselves were “glory”. I was very busy during those days and never looked up the word “doxa”; again assuming that because I had a vague familiarity with the word (like knowing it was Greek, etc.) that there was little to understand beyond my own assumption.
Oh my – was I wrong. Because of working on this presentation of the “Doxa” angels, I looked up the definition in the English/Greek lexicon. I was stunned. These angels were not representations of His glory, but had been sent to help us ascribe glory to God. They helped with our opinion of God thereby resulting in praise to His glory. They were there to point to the glory of God. They were opinion clarifiers and boosters.
This choir has a calling which I had never considered to be a “calling”. The first definitions for the word “doxa” are opinion, judgment and view. The second definitions for “doxa” are opinion and estimate.
Greek – 1391 – Doxa – To give praise, honor, glory – a good opinion or judgement or view.
The definitions for # 1391 from Thayer’s Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament:
1. In sacred writings, always a good opinion resulting in praise, honor and glory going to someone. To give or ascribe glory to God, why and how being evident in each case from the context: thus, by declaring one’s gratitude to God for a benefit received – Luke 17:18, by not distrusting God’s promises – Rom 4:20, by celebrating His praises, Rev. 4:9; 11:13; 14:7, by rendering due honor to God’s majesty – Acts 12:23, acknowledging that God knows all things, and showing that you believe it by the confession you are about to make – John 9:21.
2. To usher in His splendor, Shekinah, magnificence, preeminence, dignity and grace.
Therefore, these angels were sent to Prayer Mountain to increase our understanding of our Heavenly Father – which will assist in our celebration and praise of His glory. They also come trailing His splendor which prepares a highway for Him when His manifest presence comes to settle on Prayer Mountain.
In the 1980’s when this land was purchased, a small path was cleared to the top of the ridge. This was nothing more than a foot path. However the path, and indeed the whole top of this little “mountain,” began to glow. It was so bright that passers-by on the road at the base of this little “mountain” stopped their cars, got out and climbed to the ridge to see such a sight. Many took away glowing stones and even sticks that glowed…and glowed for a considerable period of time – as did the top of the ridge.
It was during these early days that Bob Jones declared that the manifest presence of our Heavenly Father would come to that ridge: that He Himself, would heal, deliver, and empower His children that came to the ridge. In the past His children had experienced a powerful move of THE SPIRIT and, during His time on Earth, our Lord Jesus actually walked among us. But this was to be a manifestation of our Heavenly Father.
Later, without knowing of Bob’s prophetic word about the ridge – many prophets declared the same message.
Our Heavenly Father sets His own time to fulfill His prophets’ words. But the atmosphere on that ridge is amazing – due, I am sure in large part, to His angels that already are present and preparing to receive Him.
The Angel entries for February, March and April show angels related to a specific location – a location where the Lord has begun to lay a foundation for His appearing. These angels are different from those sent to me personally. These angels are on assignment for a specific purpose. They are sent by the Lord to prepare the way for His coming. These are not angels assigned to any one person. They are “on the job” in a specific location and will return to the Father after their work is completed.