Angels Helping Angels

This particular spiritual experience taught me many important aspects of angels. Let’s take this occurrence piece by piece:


I find that angels often describe spiritual occurrences in a way that brings a quick understanding of the situation through comparing it to something the person might understand. Here, a choir of angels of varying sizes is traveling north on assignment. By using the term “migration” it seems that this is a yearly occurrence for this particular group. Since we are not privy to the reason, we can only speculate: such as being assigned to humans that winter in the warmer climates and return home to the cooler climates in the summer. However that, I am sure, would only explain the shift in location for some of these angels.


Some angels on this high mountainous ridge where I live, seem to be stationed here for long periods of time… times longer than a single human lifetime. The prophet Bob Jones often said that this particular ridge in North Carolina had the second largest number of angels in the world….the Mount of Olives being the first. This perhaps is due to the prayers of the Moravians and partially due to the Lord’s own call on the land.


Where there are many angels stationed, as there are on this ridge, there is a supernatural glow from the multiplied light and power. When a path was first cut to the top of the ridge, the top glowed so brightly that people down on the road could see it—stopped their cars, got out and climbed to the top of the ridge to see such a sight. This supernatural glow lasted for several days—people taking rocks from the area that continued to glow even away from the site. That glow may not be seen by humans now, but angels passing through do continue to see it.


In other words impartation.

Here is a scripture where the Lord heralds an impartation: Ezekiel 2:1-2a: “Then He said to me, ‘Son of Man, stand to your feet that I may speak with you.’ As He spoke to me the Spirit entered me and set me on my feet…” The body of Christ recognizes the laying on of hands to

Impart the Spirit. Let me share with you a circumstance in my own life that might illustrate this “Charging the Battery”. My husband and I were friends of Bob Jones. Often we would be with him when he ministered. At such times, he would sit on the platform and stretch out his right hand to lay it on each person as he/she came before him. The line might include hundreds of people, but he prayed for them all. After a while, however, his arm would freeze in place. Just as we associate heat with the anointing, so when the anointing drains from a person for a period of time they become cold. This would happen with Bob. The anointing was being imparted to those being prayed for and he was starting to run low. Often, at such a time, he would even show a ring of frost around his mouth. Therefore, at such a time, his friends would gather around him and lay hands on him to “fill him up again.” We helped him by imparting that which was within us to him.


Being present when this choir of angels arrived and hearing how angels help other angels was a great privilege. We often hear of how angels help humans. We also know that they must be working together in order to stand as an army, etc., but to see the angels assisting one another—showing such camaraderie and generosity towards one another was a unique blessing that I shall never forget.