On the outside I may look calm but inside myself I am jumping up and down with excitement. The fact that in this last national election the Lord “came through” for us is beyond wonderful. It is beyond-beyond.
But when I start getting too excited, I rein in myself by reminding myself that I (and indeed all Christians around the world) have much work ahead of us. We may have almost as much work as the 45th-47th president himself. Our work, however, is prayer and living godly lives. We must remember that those who had a candidate that did not win are hurting.
Amid all of the wars and rumors of war, we must not be so involved that we forget who we are. Our lives are not “fixed” in this realm. We are sent down here for a short period of time to train and grow, to increase our spiritual muscle by being tested and to serve our Lord and Savior. We have many assignments in our own personal trajectory.
However, through The Word our Lord and our King charges us to pray for and love this garden planet and love its people – whether they are part of The Lord’s Kingdom or not.
But for those of us who are children of our Heavenly Father, we so long for our Lord’s “instructional” prayer to be accomplished in our life-time. “Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” He wouldn’t have “instructed” us to pray so if it were not possible. Children are not instructed to “do something” that can’t be done.
In the Old Testament, the nation of Israel prospered when they had a “good” King. These examples were a foreshadowing of the prayer given by The Lord to His followers. Now – now is the acceptable time for this prayer to be answered. Already the entire world is beginning to realign.
If we really want our Lord’s Kingdom to come while we are here, we best set our foreheads like a flint and bow our hearts before the only One who can make that happen. This land and its people will need to move somewhere to the forefront of our thoughts when praying and our prayers need to move from “often” to “a life” of prayer.
Are we not the most fortunate people who have ever lived? If we give ourselves to godliness and prayer we have the possibility of seeing “Your Will be done on earth as it is in heaven.”
Oh, my brothers and sisters in the Lord – is it not worth it? Let’s “Go For It.”