August 2020 – I know You Have Heard

I know You Have Heard

I know that many of you have heard that Prayer Mountain is closed. That, unfortunately, is only a half-truth. Part of the land has been designated private property and closed to the Lord’s children. However, the Lord always makes a way. Outdoor chairs and a gazebo are furnished for those who come to be with the Lord on Prayer Mountain.


But dear children of the Living God, we must respect the law. Some are so distressed by the closure that they step over the barrier and trespass. The owner has clearly displayed the citation numbers of the laws that would allow a judge to fine or jail trespassers. God’s children are not meant to be lawless. I beg you, no matter how much you feel this action is not showing forth our Heavenly Father’s heart toward His children, we must respect the law.

By law, the land belongs to the one who purchased it – and anyone violating the law is not only breaking American laws but also spiritual laws.


The action that was posted is similar to a church building being decommissioned. When a church building or lands are decommissioned, they legally remove the building or land from being set aside for God. Being private property removes either a building or lands from certain legal designations:

A. For both buildings and land, returning them to private property removes them from being a 501 (c) (3) – that is, from being under the umbrella of a ministry or church.
B. They now can be used for secular pursuits.


For those who come to Prayer Mountain; when you violate God’s laws of personal ownership, you place yourself squarely into the enemy camp. This gives Satan a legal right to harass you. You have taken yourself out from under the Lord’s protection. There is much that the body of Christ does not understand about what is, and what is not in God’s “legal” will. He has written a good deal about these boundaries in His word – but few dwell on the parts of the Bible that deal with private, personal property. However, I assure you, Satan does dwell on them. There is nothing that Satan would like more than for you to be so incensed about being blocked from land, which you feel God has set aside for prayer, that you cross over into illegal acts. However, we must bend like a reed to the raw legality that is presently in place.


A young mother of five small children felt she must step over the barriers and pray on top of the land, requesting that it be opened. In distress, my assistant took down her number, and I called her. I talked to her for two full hours, trying to dissuade her from breaking the law. She was not thinking about the fact that she would open a chink in her spiritual armor, and she was putting into jeopardy her livelihood and perhaps even her health, or the children’s wellbeing. When you break – not only the law of the land but spiritual law, you give Satan rights to access you and yours, and you may battle things that a person under the protective shadow of the Lord’s wings does not need to battle.


The Lord has provided for you. You are not forgotten. There are no chairs up further in the decommissioned area. But there are chairs a plenty in the gazebo area.

You are welcomed to pray here. We want you. We will do whatever we can do to provide for you and make you feel at home.

The Lord goes where He is wanted.

And – where He is, His angels congregate. The angels may be a wee bit crowded in this smaller space, but they also want to be wanted. It is very natural that they be here, also. The Lord has provided and will not leave you wanting.


Also, please do not pray against those who own the land that is closed. They, too, are children of our Heavenly Father. Bless them and wish them well.

Let us trust the Lord, that in His perfect timing, He will restore all of Prayer Mountain to His children and give the angels a bit more room to move around.

May God bless you all.