May 2014 – Does The Lord Issue Warnings With Some Anointings?


Yes He does.
You have read the warning to prepare for the pain that accompanies heightened prophetic vision (as shown in the section on ANGELS—February 2014—that introduced the blue angel Phyllis). That warning was to prepare the one receiving a heightened prophetic anointing of the pain of seeing more clearly. When a person is able to see coming disasters in the future or unconfessed sin in another’s life, one feels some measure of the pain experienced by our Lord. But does He warn us of an anointing that might bring pain to others?

Yes He does. The following contains two warnings. The vision was given September 12, 1995. I am taking the vision right from my journal of 1995. That is the reason the journal pages have numbers that relate only to that particular journal:

In a dream the Lord had salt cupped in each of His hands. Then He poured the salt from His left hand into my left hand. Afterwards He ate from my left hand and I ate from His right hand. It was a type of COVENANT OF SALT. A Covenant of Salt is a perpetual or everlasting covenant—probably due to salt’s preserving properties. An increase in the anointing of the gift of discernment followed.