March 2014 – Bob Jones


Bob often said that Al and I and one other couple were the oldest friends he had. We laughed, not knowing if he meant oldest in years or in length of time knowing him.

One day Bob said—just right “out of the blue” that it was hard for prophets to die.

I was surprised by the statement.

“Hard?” I questioned.

“There is so much light and life in their bones,” he answered. “It is hard for them to die.” He then related the Biblical story of the body of a deceased man hastily thrown into the grave of Elisha the prophet. When the deceased man touched the bones of Elisha he came back to life and walked away.

I would have found that extremely odd if I, myself, had not experienced that amazing phenomena. This occurred when my husband and I visited the gravesite of John G Lake with a dear friend who wished to pay her respects. Upon approaching the grave, all three of us began to feel the amazing power that was still locked in those bones—just as it was described in the Bible.


Bob Jones was the most amazingly gifted prophet I have ever known…and he was a good friend. He was kind, caring and generous. He poured himself out for anyone and everyone. I have seen him minister for hours to people. He would minister with equal love and attention to a church of fifty people as to a conference of thousands.

However, these gifts did not make him “holier-than-thou.” No, he was very real. He made mistakes, as we all do. He battled through—what to many would be—crippling rejection. But, he made it through victorious.

Also, he left you a gift. The gift is the revelation of the Lord’s intentions for the mantle he wore. I wish I could say that I was waiting to share this with you, but in truth, I was called the night before Bob’s funeral and reminded of this prophetic revelation by a very fine man from Fort Mill. SC. Only the outcome of the revelation was given to him—not the whole vision.

However, in listening to his understanding of Bob’s mantle, I was jarred into remembrance of Bob’s own prophetic vision given to him years ago.


Bob said that he found himself on the beach in the middle of an unusual situation. He was walking in the footprints of a man right in front of him in the sand. Where the man in front of him stepped—he stepped. He simply walked in that man’s footsteps.

At one point he glanced ahead of him in the line and saw prophet after prophet ahead of him in one long line—all the way back to the beginning. Each prophet walked in the very footprints of the one right before him. Then, he said, he looked behind him.

“Who did you see?” I asked.

He said that he saw one more person in the line after him.

“So,” I said, “there will only be one more prophetic voice after you?”

He shook his head “no.” After his death, he said, that particular person represented the many that would receive the mantle he wore….rather like the breath of God blowing on a dandelion causing its seed to be lifted by the wind and dispersed and multiplied.


I remember a conversation with a pastor from a church that Bob dearly loved in Kansas City. The pastor (not Mike Bickle) said that he had a revelation that when Bob “went” there would be revival. The pastor thought that Bob leaving meant his leaving that congregation. But I really believe the meaning was broader. I think that when Bob finished his earthly ministry and left us all, revival was near at hand. He was always a marker. That is the reason for the earthquake when he died. An earthquake is a marker that no one can miss.


Because you have asked, please let me tell you…yes, I intend to finish Bob’s story. I have enough material from my recorded interviews with Bob to fill twenty books. I will fulfill my promise to him to write his story. Pray for me–for it is a bit like writing a dozen volumes like War and Peace. Please pray that I do a good job for the Lord, for my friend and for the body of Christ.