Promised Glory

When the land of Prayer Mountain was purchased in the 1980’s, a path was cut through the woods to the top of the ridge. It wasn’t wide; only the width that would allow one person to take the narrow path to the summit. But as soon as it was opened, the whole top of the “mountain” began to glow. So bright was it that people driving on the road below, stopped their cars, got out and climbed to the top.

They would take home with them, small rocks that they gathered from the path. These small “hunks” of the “mountain” would continue to glow for two days, and sometimes up to three days afterward. The prophet Bob Jones – in his own inimitable way – said that it was, “Previews of things to come.”


In 2006 – two months after the angel Victory appeared on the “mountain” to announce the Lord’s intentions to use this little “mountain” to display His glory, He reiterated the promise through the angel Victory. The Lord assigned hundreds of angels that accompany His glory to Prayer Mountain.

This revelation is God’s own confirmation of the message brought by the angel Victory two months earlier – when the Lord began to prepare this land for His house of prayer.

VISION: JUNE 26, 2006

Even before we left the house, I began seeing the word: DOXA before my eyes.

I did not see the word again until we started up the path to the gazebo. Then, all around me the word appeared in the trees.

It would appear and then, in an instant, be gone. Suddenly the word began to crumble (like crumbling saltine crackers) into tiny pieces – which fell to the ground and rose again as angels of His glory.

Each time the word divided now; these angels came forth to stand within the trees all over the mount.

By the time I reached the gazebo, these angels were all over the top – simply standing among the trees.

As we sat down in the gazebo, Albert (my husband) remarked that there was a beautiful haze on the mount. We had seen this haze on May 30th when the lightning struck – announcing something new.

While we were praying, I saw fruit trees all over the top; a sign, Albert said of fruitfulness – great fruit to come.