Who would be the Next Angel Assigned to Prayer Mountain? (Continuing the Spiritual Chronicle of Prayer Mountain…)

After assigning the two angels that represent the very means by which God Almighty says He deals with humanity, i.e., Mercy and Compassion, what angelic help would He assign next to a location that He, Himself has set aside to meet with His children? He assigned an angel named: YOU WHO HEAR PRAYER. That seems to be a somewhat unusual name for an angel because angels never receive (to themselves) our prayers – the Lord God does.

However, angels do assist. They often carry prayers and sometimes escort prayers (as a guard). But as the visitation unfolded, the Lord gave a greater understanding concerning this angel and the reason for this particular angel’s early assignment to Prayer Mountain.


An Angel in purple stood near the rainbow vortex.

I must interrupt the introduction of this angel to show you the vortex by which he was standing. Bob Jones in the 1980’s opened this particular vortex. I call it the Rainbow Vortex because of the covenantal bands of color within it. The only archival picture I made of this opening to Heaven was placed in my journal two years later, therefore two other aspects of the Lord’s provision were added: the flaming sword and the Eagle’s nest. (The flaming sword was to aid in the defeat of the Lord’s demonic enemies. , and The Eagle’s nest had once been on the Western facing rock of Pore’s Knob, but three years after we completed our work with the couple that owned the top of Pore’s Knob, He built a new place of intimacy in the treetops of Prayer Mountain.)

I had never seen an angel clothed in purple. I had seen some tipped with purple [the ANGELS OF HIS PRESENCE have robes with purple on them]. But purple is a royal color, and I had a good deal of difficulty accepting the color of the robe on an angel.

The angel spoke: “My name is: YOU WHO HEAR PRAYER. When I stand before the Holy One, my name is a reminder that He, has committed Himself to hear prayer by the nature of His goodness and righteousness. Among ourselves, however, we are known by the shortened name: PRAYER.

As I listened to him, his long-sleeved garment seemed to have an under color of scarlet. As I watched, the garment slowly changed to scarlet, and his hair seemed to drip blood. Immediately I thought of Jesus in prayer in the garden before His death. My mind also flashed to the blood of the martyrs (Luke 22:44).

As I continued to look, the garment returned to a purple color, and the blood disappeared. I thought of Paul saying that a group of Believes to whom he was writing had not resisted to the point of shedding blood (Hebrews 12:4).

Then there is the shed blood of Jesus – through whose sacrifice the door is opened to us before our Father – He who hears prayer (Ephesians 1:7; Hebrews 9:11 & 12).

All of this happened in the blink of an eye.

“Anna,” the angel, YOU WHO HEAR PRAYER, continued, “I was sent to the Moravians to assist them in prayer. Many (through the ages from Stephen on until today) have been martyred to make it possible for you and others to be here this day. The Holy One has assigned me to this ridge to assist those who come to seek Him.”

Suddenly, the purple drained from the garment and flowed, like water, over the top of the ridge and down its sides. The red remained – but then vanished in a split second.

Suddenly, his garment burst into a pale, shimmering golden color. Light poured from him and from the garment. A large halo of light encircled him. This radiance had all the colors of the rainbow.

Almost immediately, Jesus stepped from the angel and spoke:

“In answer to the prayers of the Moravians,” He said.

Then He vanished, leaving the angel called YOU WHO HEAR PRAYER on the top of the ridge.

I was so overcome that it took me some time to regain my ability to speak. Finally, I said: “Thank You, Lord”.


Al and I did a little research relating to this experience.

1. There will be angels to assist those on the ridge when the divine glory descends, particularly in prayer.

2. Jesus carried His shed blood to the Father, and that blood can cleanse the conscience from dead works to serve the living God.

3. The purple robe of the angel was a clue that this was no mere angel. He cloaked Jesus, who is royalty. All the colors of the rainbow in that large halo give another clue that this angel was more than an angel of prayer.

4. The angel named YOU WHO HEAR PRAYER was sent to the Moravians by a royal decree. Jesus– by coming Himself within the angel– showed that the angel whose nickname is PRAYER– came by a royal decree to this little mount also. The purple draining from the garment before Jesus stepped from the angel was a visual statement of this royal decree. The purple covered the top of the ridge.