Often the Lord will pass a mantle down in the family line. In fact, it is His preference. I shared with you about the mantle Bob Jones wore. It came from a godly man in Africa. It had always passed down in that man’s family. However, his son was not a godly man. Therefore, the mantle was taken to Bob when he was still a boy. (Later, the godly African man’s grandson traveled to America to request it from Bob.)
The 5th mantle given to me was from my own family line: Lieutenant General George Perry Rains (my great uncle on my mother’s side of the family).
My father’s brother had died that day, March 1, 1995 (an Ash Wednesday).
After I spoke to the family, the Lord audibly addressed me: “Come away with Me, Anna.”
I started to get comfortable so that I could turn my full attention to all the Lord wished to relate.
The Lord appeared and said: “Stand to your feet.”
I stood.
Suddenly, I was on an airstrip. The Lord came toward me with five officers – each from a different branch of the service: Air, Earth, Fire, Water and Beneath the Earth. They were dressed in the colors of their branch of the service.
There was a large plane on the airstrip and many from the service – such as Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines at attention as Jesus came toward me.
The officers began to pin stars on my shoulders.
The Lord continued to speak, “As a five-star general: a general of grace (the number 5 is the number of grace) receive today the mantle of your great uncle Lieutenant General George Perry Rains, whom you called “Uncle Doc” (because he was a medical doctor).
Jesus named certain heightened gifting that accompanied this mantle:
– Retention (memory, etc.)
– Strategy
– Tactics
– Maneuvers
– Training
– Courage with humility
– A keen eye with which to see
– A sharp nose with which to smell out details
– Careful hearing
– A discerning taste
– A quick response to touch
The Lord spoke: “By the authority invested in Me, I commission you as a General of Grace. Here are your papers of authorization and congratulations.
I saluted and we shook hands.
Trumpets sounded together.
A sergeant said, “Attention! Present arms.”
The sergeant turned to me and said, “General the troops are ready for inspection.” There were troops from all five branches (Air, Earth, Fire, Water and Beneath the Earth). They looked sloppy. I spoke to an officer near me, “The troops look sloppy, Colonel. There is some work to be done with the troops.”
“Under our commanding General, (Jesus). Lead us to Him,” he said.
Troops were snapping to attention as we passed. (Jesus was with me. I knew they were snapping to attention for Him.)
Somehow it seemed we were standing by the huge plane and we (Jesus and I) were alone.
“Lord,” I said, “anoint me and bless me in this and protect me.”
Jesus said: “As one uncle goes – the mantle of your great uncle rises from the grave and rests upon you.”
“Oh God, make me strong in warfare,” I said. “Give me Your strategies and tactics and Your grace and Your power, wisdom and love, mercy and keenness. Lord this is a special day. What should I pray?”
“Pray for your soul. Pray for holiness.” He said.
(I did so.)
“Pray that My glory rest upon you and shines forth through you,” He said.
(I did so.)
Jesus continued: “I am assigning military personnel to you, one from each branch of the service:
Under the Earth
“These angels are here – to protect, guard and to give you assistance. They are highly trained and very powerful. They are an honor guard or guard of honor – showing My love for you. Go forward in My strength. I am giving to you some of the best of the angelic host. Powerful angels. They are faithful and true as their Commander for I am faithful and true, to My Father.”
He continued: “This is a special day, Anna. Do not look back!”
Turn to the Teaching Archives to continue.
September 2018 Teaching Archives – Receiving a Family Mantle