July 22, 2006 – Prayer Mountain

There is an invisible wall that encircles Prayer Mountain. Angels man it. It is as though the Lord has set aside that small mountain ridge for Himself. He does share it with those of us who make the ascent to the top and seek Him in prayer.

This revelation was given six years ago – but has come into its fullness today. The “earth” is not only the planet on which we live but also the material that makes up the body in which we live. In this vision, the Lord addresses them both.

July 22, 2006: Saturday – Prayer Mountain

The Lord speaking:

“For those who stand on the wall, this is a call to arms. Not only should these watch, but they must unsheathe the sword and fight.

“These small flurries are just the beginning. The enemy moves beneath ground and only here and there pours out like an army of ants. Most (People) see what is visible. But My warriors need to see what is hidden. The Spirit will show them (the warriors) the hidden tunnels – mole holes – through which the enemy travels.”

“Why do they travel underground?” I asked.

“Secrecy. The children quickly fall asleep after each attack. Forgetfulness closes their eyes and ears. (I thought of wildebeests grazing within eye and ear shot of lions – but calculate that they are not on the prowl and therefore-presently-harmless. But these (the enemy) know the times and never sleep.

“The enemy is marshalling his forces. But as he does, he will also emit a sweet fragrance (Like a perfume) that will lull the complacent into a dangerous apathy – a half sleep – a state that is neither alive nor dead; but useable – not like a robot, but a deadly, thinking human: wily and treacherous [a zombie]. However, outwardly these will seem placid and normal for the enemy will be traveling beneath the skin, within the dirt of which mankind is made.

“But for those who do not live out of their clay, their senses will be sharpened. These who are on the wall, will be given a STRONG BOW and MANY ARROWS. These will discern the enemy at a distance and send an arrow into his heart. But effectiveness requires more than one watchman to foil the plans of the enemy. But that group – keen of eye and focused – can turn back an army.” (I thought of Jonathan when he climbed up to fight the enemy with only his armor bearer) 1 Samuel 14:4-16.

“Get up on the wall and do not breathe deeply when the sweet perfume is released. Stand your ground, holding to Me.”