This training session occurred on June 16, 1995—twenty years ago. I am putting the first two pages into this web-site because they have the pictures. The interview, comprised of questions and answers, will be typed—except for these first two pages. Bible references follow.
I looped my left arm through her right and we began to walk on the path.
“How do you feel you are doing?” she asked.
“I’m not sure,” I answered.
“That means you do not want to answer that question,” she smiled.
“Perhaps not,” I laughed.
“Well,” she said, “let me address the question. I believe you have grown in thankfulness. This pleases your Father.”
[I realized that I was jumping into a subject rather abruptly, but I remembered a question Albert (my husband) had asked.] “Where are you on times off?” I asked.
“We have no times off,” she laughed. “When assigned to you or to another, we are able to remain in contact with you and also to behold the throne of God. You might say we are here and there.”1
“When we appear to you, we are here, but still there…connected….present before the Father of Lights. Paul speaks of being in two places—where he was presently and with those in prayer in another place.”2
“Now,” she continued, ‘’we are not everywhere at one time—but we, like your spirit—can be there and at home. You are here (in heaven) and you are also on earth. You can send your spirit out to another to touch and also remain touching the Godhead.”3
“To tell it may seem complex; but in reality it is most natural. But, we do not have vacations where we must go away to another part of the realm. Your Father works and we work—but do not tire of the assignments.”4
“If wounded, we must return to ‘home base’ as it were, and report in.”
“What heals you?” I asked.
“You mean, who heals us…the Lord Jesus. We are spirit and healed by light and life.”5
“The balm for us is God’s love….like honey. The fusion for any wound is light and life Himself. As sacrifices our God desires now are spiritual, so are healings here.”6
“The material is an outward representation of each spiritual reality.”7
“Mankind needs such. The spiritual realities are too abstract for them: like a child that needs to touch, see, smell, taste and hear; these bring a coarse understanding and a dim light, but are all they can bear.”8
“All that are from God are now, were and will be.”9
“We are friends are we not?”
“Yes,” I said. “Are there others I do not know personally—or their names, I mean,–that are assigned to me?”
“Yes, many. In your Father’s good time you will know them. They are already present—reaching toward you, but it will be as though they step through a barrier to draw nearer. Mankind does not know the love extended toward it by their Father. You might say that (mankind) has built in friends,” she laughed. 10
“Your main teacher is God Himself. But we are attracted to His light…(I had the impression of a magnet pulling to it particles of steel shavings.)”11
“Spirit calls to spirit.”12
“I watched you grow and will be your friend from creation to everlasting.13
“You were placed in Christ from the beginning. I was created and assigned before you came forth on earth.”14
“When you are here (in heaven) the true is so simple, is it not?” she asked. “Truth is like a golden nail.”15
“Those personally assigned to you will always be with you….friends. But we are not as great a friend as our God. I do not want you to tire. Return now (which means to return to earth) You may come again whenever you wish.”
“Before I go,” I interjected, “are there angels with short term assignments to individuals as well?”
“Yes,” she answered. “But, that is for another day.” She threw back her head and laughed. “Another day, Anna. Do not tire yourself.”
[I hugged her. She felt a little different from a human person. She could see that I was registering perplexity.]
“Another day,” she smiled.
“Thank you, Clara,” I too smiled—a long smile of gratitude.
1. Matthew 18:10 …”their angels in heaven continually behold the face of My Father who is in heaven.” And Luke 1:19: “I am Gabriel who stands in the presence of God and I have been sent to speak to you.”
2. Our resurrected human spirits are in union with Christ’s spirit and He is both in heaven and on earth and in others…and we can be in more than one place, too. I Cor. 5:3 and 4….” In the name of our Lord Jesus, when you are assembled, and I with you in spirit….” And Col 1: 5…” even though I am absent from you in body I am with you in spirit…”
3. Col. 3:1 “If then you have been raised up with Christ, keep seeking the things above where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God.” And Eph. 2:6….” and seated us with Him in the heavenly places with Christ Jesus.”
4. “John 5:17…”My Father is working until now, and I, Myself, am working.” And John 5:20 …”The Father loves the Son and shows Him all things that He, Himself, is doing.”
5. John 6:63…It is the Spirit who gives life…”. We can be subject to the Father of spirit s and live. Heb. 12:9, and we are being subject when we come to the Son.
6. 1 Peter 2:5..”you are a holy priesthood to offer up spiritual sacrifices.”
7. Heb. 9:23 and 24. The earthly tabernacle was a copy of the true one in heaven. Jesus said: “I am the true vine.” He also said that He was the true bread and the true drink.
8. The true is in heaven and the things on earth are a shadow or a copy. Phil. 3:20.
9. All that is from God is everlasting. What He gives is Jesus Christ who is the same yesterday, today, and forever.
10. John 5:43.
11. John 14:26. The Holy Spirit will teach us all things.
12. “Deep calls to deep.” Ps 42:7
13. John 1 5:15. If Jesus calls us friends, then we know the angels are friends.
14. Eph. 1:4—we were chosen in Christ before the foundation of the world.
15. Ecc. 12:11. “The words of wise men are like goads (pointed sticks that poke you to get you to move forward) and masters of these collections are like well-driven nails: they are given by one Shepherd.” A nail secures something. A golden nail would secure the truth of God in our lives.