This angel came to me May 27, 2006.

The Angel of The Fear of the Lord was dressed in contained fire. The garment seemed to be on the verge of bursting into flame at any moment. He was tall with snow-white hair. His hair was tipped with flames. From his hands shone beams of light and three beams from his head. Each step that he took produced footprints of fire on the surface he was moving across.

He spoke to me: “I am the angel Fear of the Lord. I come to you now that Wisdom may follow. I come not just to you, but I am given to those who come to worship, praise and seek the Great King—He who is King of All.

The Lord has sent me because you have much need of wisdom. The King’s children need to know the Fear of the Lord. I will assist them. I bring with me apples of gold in sockets of silver—godly treasures that bring honor to the King. Many seek the perishable treasures, but those who seek the Great King will seek the pure gold set in redemption. This gold leads to all manner of salvation. The true gold of God guides the child away from self.

I am come now to bring this fear of the Lord. I have brought with me Prudence and Discretion – Wisdom follows.

The Fear of the Lord is needed now. Therefore the Great King has sent me in response to this need.”


He departed.

Proverbs 25:11

Like apples of gold in settings of silver
is a word spoken in the right circumstance.

Prudence and Discretion eventually began to stand with and help Wisdom when she arrived.