The First Vortex

I saw this vortex very soon after the Lord opened the heavens to me. I had no idea of what it was. Therefore, I called it a funnel in my journal of December 20, 1994. I’ll type what was said at the time and then allow you to see the text of 1994 afterwards….(because, I’m not sure you could read my writing.)


“While praying for a relative who had been in an automobile accident, I saw a funnel of angels with a bright, white light at the end. These angels were in white with large white wings. People—escorted by angels were being carried into the intense, white light. I felt that these might be those who had recently died and were going into the nearer presence of God.”


Please remember that this journal went through a fire and the subsequent soaking of water by our fine volunteer fire department—actually fire departments from several nearby towns were needed to put out the fire that took out our mountain cabin.