Angels at Play

The year was 2008. Our home had burned down only two months before. I live in a very beautiful part of North Carolina. On the cleared path and in the woods near my house I saw angels having a wonderful time.

[I will type out what was written at that time and then put the actual text at the end of the pictures—which is exactly where it appeared in the journal.]

2008: “I was reminded of Bonnie Chavda’s word to Harry Bizzell that there are locations where angels play and that this was one of them. It was simply a time for them to enjoy one another. Several held tops (they looked like large diamonds) and would spin them in their hands. It was like “play day” at school when I was a child. Yes, that was it. The angels — though very old indeed—had retained a child-like-ness . Of course, I thought to myself, it is easier to remain childlike if your body is as supple as a child’s.”