A Different Way of Teaching #2

This vision came time and time again soon after the heavens were opened to me. However, I did not understand the meaning of the pictures until several years later. I knew, however, that a vision that is given again and again in the same order and presentation has vital meaning. This series of pictures was the Lord’s way of trying to teach me the calling He had placed on my life.

I will write the text that is in longhand in the journal and then – the Lord being my helper —explain the symbolism.

[Suddenly, I saw a coloring book drawing of a house with a mother and father standing outside, smiling. There were large clouds overhead.]


The cloud over the house is a divine covering. The man is my husband and I am the wife. Our lives—as shown by the lack of color—are normal.


[Then bluebirds came to nest in the attic of the house.]


The attic means that one is dealing with higher revelation—possibly visions from and about above. The blue birds mean revelation.


[Lightning struck the house from all sides.]


Lightning means the power of God.


[And the house got bigger and bigger and then at one point the house was so full of people that–]


The house is hit with more and more of the Lord’s power.


[All the people in the house were blown out of its windows and door onto the green grass of the front lawn. They picked themselves up and ran back into the house joyfully.]


The people represent revelations…..many going out and many coming in.


[Then there were television cameras and interviewers and cameramen around the front of the house. An interviewer asked us: “Now, tell us about yourselves?”

Albert said: “What is there to tell. We’re just a usual family.”

“Usual?” the interviewer exclaimed as if amazed because of all that was going on.]


The number 4 represents the world. I’ll tell you the meaning of the 4 cameras soon.


[An angel stood before the house. “Because you are highly esteemed, the Lord has established for you this house.”]


The angel is a messenger. The house is built under a glory cloud. The red door means entrance through the blood of Jesus. But what in the world does the whole vision mean? I was perplexed. Only recently—at that time—had I entered into the realm of visions. Both Albert, my husband, and I believed that the Lord wanted us hidden. So what in the world was the meaning of the T. V. cameras? At the time we lived near our friend Bob Jones. We ate with him once a week. So—-I left a page empty in the journal in order to get his answer to this perplexing question posed by the T. V. cameras.


My heavenly Father was trying to teach me through visions. He was giving me my marching orders. He was relating to me the reason He had me on this earth at this time. Even after this instruction and the meaning of the vision given to me—it took me three years to understand that He wanted me to relate the visions He had given to me to His children. The pages shared with you are from my 1995 journal. The page with little on it is exactly as Bob gave the answer to me. The Lord’s teaching methods are truly amazing.