The Journey From Salvation To An Intimate Walk With Christ

I had only been seeing in the spirit for a few months; but the Lord continued to instruct me (through visions) about the way to draw closer to Him—from being set free from the enemy kingdom until a maturing into a place of intimacy with the Lord.

PAGE 65: From being set free through salvation to being drawn by the Lord into the path toward maturity.

PAGE 66: Salvation brings a new beginning. Obedience to the Spirit of God and to His Word means that the believer begins to bring forth the beauty of Christ in his/her life….thus the flowers.

PAGE 67-68-69: Not everyone receives Christ. These have no flowering of Christ within them. But the Lord has mercy upon them. He sees them as beautiful and their tears and desire to bring forth “He who is the beauty of the Father’s Kingdom”, moves Him. He takes each person’s nothing and returns to them life.



PAGE 70: Here we see the Lord brings the child into salvation and she is clean—washed in the blood of the Lamb.

PAGE 71: Jesus adds to His own church.

PAGE 72: Those blood-washed and growing in Christ walk with Him to take the good news of the kingdom to the world.

PAGE 73: Those serving the Lord on earth continue to grow as he guides them into greater maturity.

PAGE 74: The Lord takes the Christian higher and higher in love, knowledge, gifting and the fulfillment of His promise for intimacy.

PAGE 75: Now we see that all of this has been a journey into maturity—the maturity that He desires for His bride.